Dec 22, 2008

Sun Releases Java Composite Application Platform Suite (Java Caps) 6

The Java Composite Application Platform Suite is a collection of middleware software suites using service-oriented architecture for business integration (SOA/BI). Java CAPS is a standard based open source platform for developing software infrastructures using SOA. It is one of the first open-source SOA platforms which have been created using Open ESB (The Enterprise Service Bus) community.

Java CAPS provides the tools you need for designing, deploying, and managing platform-independent vendor-neutral composite applications.

Java CAPS 6 retains most of the feature set of previous Java CAPS releases, originating in the ICAN and eGate suites from SeeBeyond, and provides further flexibility through standardization. The Java Business Integration (JBI) standard is a vendor-neutral specification that defines a "container of containers": Any JBI-compliant application is automatically interoperable with Java CAPS applications. Design-time tooling is standardized and upgraded to NetBeans IDE 6.1. Runtime functions are standardized to Sun Java System Application Server 9.1.

Java CAPS provides adapters to read and write data in the native format of specific databases or business systems, such as Oracle, Sybase, HL7, SWIFT, HIPAA, SAP, PeopleSoft, and dozens of others. In addition to adapters for data modeling and representation, Java CAPS also provides collaborations and engines for data transformation, and an implementation of the Java Messaging Service (JMS) for data queuing.

Note: A service-oriented architecture (SOA) defines a framework for creating, exposing, and invoking services that are loosely coupled and interoperable, and orchestrating them with business logic to achieve a particular objective.

The changes in this version are:
1. New GUI for design work. Uses NetBeans 6 plug-ins for familiarity, maintainability, compatibility.

2. Tailored for Sun Java Application Server 9.1

3. Support for JBI components (as NetBeans plug-ins):

* BDRU = BiDirectional ReUse (JBI Bridge)
* Sun Java Message Server
* Service Engines (SEs) for: Java EE, BPEL
* Binding Components (BCs) for: HTTP/SOAP
* CASA Editor (Composite Application Service Assemblies)
* eView / Mural

Where can you use Java CAPS?

* Data integration applications
* SOA / ESB Applications
* Composite Application Initiatives - Combine new or existing business applications to create composite applications.

Some benefits of using Java Caps 6:

* Its open source which reduces risks and ends vendor lock in
* Offers a common design and monitoring environment for integration of components within suite
* Provides a secure and scalable platform for supporting SOA

Give it a try. I am sure you will like it.

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